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Leaves and Statutory Holidays


The CUPE3911-AU Collective Agreement, 2016-2019 provides members (Tutors) with provisions for annual vacation leaves (Article 13). If you are an Individualized Study Tutor, you may have noticed that you receive vacation pay, at 8% of your bi-weekly earnings. Tutors are paid in advance for days you may take off during the year. When you apply for a leave, then, you are not paid for those days off.

It is a different story for Statutory Holidays.

Did you know that, because most Statutory Holidays fall on a Monday, and as CUPE 3911 Tutors, we do not hold tutor office hours on Mondays, our Collective Agreement builds in another mechanism through which members can “take” their Statutory Holidays “off” on another given day (by application subject to approval by AU supervisor(s) and HR). Note that if you decide to take off a day from office hours in lieu of a missed Statutory Holiday (meaning you will get paid for that day of work), you can only do so within the same calendar month.

And while you might come back to a pile of assignments to grade; you also get a well-deserved break (even if brief). And the “standard of service” start-date for marking assignments is re-set for the day you return to your desk.

Apply for vacation/leave:

1. Find instructions and the “Tutor Leave Request and Change of Information Form

  • Go to MyAU >Tutor Services > Resources > Forms > Tutor Leave Request and Change of Information Form

2. Fill and submit to your course coordinator(s) for approval.

3. Send a copy of your approved leave request to and cc: Course Coordinator(s).

4. You will receive instructions from LST, if and when a leave is approved, to guide your effort to communicate you vacation days to students and others who may try to reach you while you are ‘off-desk.’

Questions about the form or process? Reach out to LST or to

Then take a few deep breaths. It is good to prioritize your occupational health and well-being. Everyone wins!