Please familiarize yourself with the PD Fund Guidelines prior to submitting your application.
Application Schedule:
1st Quarter – period of April 1 – June 30 – March 1st deadline
2nd Quarter – period of July 1 – September 30 – June 1st deadline
3rd Quarter – period of October 1 – December 31 – September 1st deadline
4th Quarter – period of January 1, 2016 – December 1st deadline
What you need to do:
1. Prior to the application deadline go to
2. Click on “CUPE PD Guidelines & Criteria” from under the Tutor Forms section to review the procedures.
3. Click on “CUPE PD Application Form” from under the Tutor Forms section to open the application form.
4. Fill out the CUPE PD Fund Application form.
5. E-mail completed forms by e-mail attachment to
6. You may apply as often as you wish, but the committee will consider applications from applicants who have not received any funding in the current year first.
NOTE: Application requests for Graduate Program funding will only be considered in the 4th Qtr if funding is still available.
To reference the Tutor Travel and Expense Claim Policy, go to
If you have any problems with accessing, completing, or submitting the application form, please contact Wanda Pacholok at 780-675-6738.
For any problems accessing the intranet, contact the HELPDESK at 780-675-6405 prior to submitting your application.